Local Styles

React Figma provides access to Figma Styles API through a hooks API.


The useFillPaintStyle hook creates (or updates) PaintStyle and returns an object that contains fillStyleId and can be consumed in style prop.

styleStyle ObjectThe style will applied to a local style
params.idStringA style id
params.nameStringA style name
params.descriptionStringA style description


The useStrokePaintStyle hook creates (or updates) PaintStyle and returns an object that contains strokeStyleId and can be consumed in style prop.

styleStyle ObjectThe style will applied to a local style
params.idStringA style id
params.nameStringA style name
params.descriptionStringA style description


The useTextStyle hook creates (or updates) TextStyle and returns an object that contains textStyleId and can be consumed in style prop.

styleStyle ObjectThe style will applied to a local style
params.idStringA style id
params.nameStringA style name
params.descriptionStringA style description


  • Local styles hooks tried to find a style by name or id
    • Creates a new style if can't find
  • Not all style props can be assigned to local style
  • It's possible to use existing styles; you can pass an empty style object.


import * as React from 'react';
import { Page, View, Text, StyleSheet, useFillPaintStyle, useStrokePaintStyle, useTextStyle } from 'react-figma';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
root: {
backgroundColor: '#76ff1c',
borderColor: '#ffffff',
borderWidth: 5
heading: {
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 24,
color: '#000000'
export const App = () => {
const rootFillStyle = useFillPaintStyle(styles.root, {
name: 'root/background'
const rootStrokeStyle = useStrokePaintStyle(styles.root, {
name: 'root/border'
const headingTextStyle = useTextStyle(styles.heading, {
name: 'heading'
return (
<Page name="New page" isCurrent>
<View style={{ width: 200, height: 100, ...styles.root, ...rootFillStyle, ...rootStrokeStyle }} />
<Text style={{ ...headingTextStyle }}>Local styles</Text>